Thursday 8 August 2019

Barefoot Kuata #Day13

It rained all last night and all day today! This is the most cloudy it's been so far. There isn't a whole lot to do on an island when its bucketing down rain. In the morning we learnt how to do some leave weaving! Then from the weaving the man made a bag! 

We spent most of the day sitting under the dining room shelter using the wifi and then in our hut watching movies in bed on our phone. 

Finally at about 5:30 I said screw it I'm going for a walk in the rain and im so glad we did because the sun came out as it was setting and it was such an incredible sunset! And a rainbow!

For dinner we had a lovo bbq which is a traditional fijian style of cooking the food in an underground oven. Yummo. 

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