Saturday 19 September 2015

Bourges, France #Day19

With a big drive ahead of us we left Macon early for our next destination, Bourge. Along the way we stopped at a few cute little villages~
Rupunzel, rupunzel let down your hair? 
Sunflower fields~
Next stop~random castle~
We also drove through the centre of Moulin! Like Moulin Rouge!~
A good 5 or so hours later we arrived in Bourge!
First stop~the biggest cathedral I have ever seen~ 
These photos just don't capture the mammoth size of the interior~
Beautiful extremely detailed stain glass windows~
Walking around~
Stunning colourful doors around every corner~ 
We went into about 3 Museums and Galleries. They were all located in old buildings like this where you climb up a spiral stair case to reach the rooms~ 
Cute tourist train~ 
Love these buildings~ 

Tomorrow we are off to...
Le Mans!