Monday 9 November 2015

Cinque Terre, Italy #Day70

Goodbye Corniglia~
Hello mr dog~
We walked down to the station in the morning, luggage in tow, making our way to the next village, Manorola!
We had a system of stopping in the last 2 villages for an hour each while one of us waited with the bags while the other looked around (there is no luggage storage and it is impossible to get around the villages with suit cases!) 
The train was late so we had a soild 15 minutes each to see Monorola! 
We raced back to the station to go to Riomaggiore but then the train was 30 minutes delayed :P 

Stopping over at Manorola~ 
The best view~ I really wish we had more time here!!
Quick stop at Riomaggiore~ 
So we managed to see 4/5 of the villages, I'll have to come back again to see the 1st! 
Then we made our way to Le Spezia where we transferred trains to Pisa central! 
We spent the rest of the afternoon completely crashing in our gorgeous room~ 
Getting some energy for a big day of exploring Pisa tomorrow! :)