Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Cork, Ireland #Day9

In Wexford we started our day by picking up our next hire car and buying a sat nav to get us round! 
We finally left our comfortable hotel and started driving towards Cork and then I realised that the sat nav only has maps for Ireland and the UK so we had to drive all the way back to return it, to get a European one! No fun 

Trying to find our way~ 
Castle ruin~
We stopped at a place called Waterford on our way to Cork. Waterford is famous for making crystal glass~ 
Snazzy table arrangement~ 
Looking goood~
An Irish Church~ 
Here a bought a cute little 3 leaf clover from the gift shop~ 
Crossing a large toll bridge~
Views along the way~ 
Then we finally arrived in Cork~
To be honest Cork isn't the nicest place, let's just say we wanted to get back to the hostel before dark! The nicest spot was the university just across the road~

Best part of the day?
Seeing the glass crystals 

What I have learned?
Waterford is the oldest city in Ireland! 

Tomorrow we are off to…
Tralee, Ireland!