Today Silvie took us to Bad Homburg to show me around~ 


Princess Elizabeth of Great Britain moved to the castle in 1818 when she was married~

Beautiful door~

Another Church~

Christmas displays out already~

Then we went to a spa!
Unfortunately I didn't take my phone so I don't have photos.
It was an incredible building inside. It had all different type steam rooms, pine scented ones, essential oils, roman bath, a hay one where you are inclosed in a plastic type cover to keep the steam in. A hot sand room where you lay on the sand with a picture of the beach in front of you as you watch the sunset and sunrise. Even an ice room where you run ice cubes on you skin & can stand in mist and even dump I bucket of icy water over you! A salt scrub, leaving our skin feeling amazing. The steam rooms were great to get all the toxins out of your body. Have never felt so clean!
It was so relaxing and such a good experience, completely different to spa/hot springs at home!