Today we left Belgium to travel to Germany!
A drive, taxi, train, walk, bus, another train and car ride later we finally arrived safe and sound at my friend Alinas place!
Alina came to Melbourne as an exchange student in 2013 and I told her I would come and visit her in Germany some day and two years later, here I am! It's so amazing to see her again and to meet her family and friends! :)
Her sister made this sign for us!^so nice!
Chilly morning~
Mum concentrating~

Antwerp station~
3 hour bus trip~
Alina and her sister, Lara met us at Dusseldorf Central station which was right near the airport so we took a trip on the Skyline just for fun!~

They made a Bavarian dinner for us~white sausages & pretzels!~
Later on in the night there was a party for Laras birthday :)