Friday, 25 September 2015

Paris, France #Day25

Today we went to Versailles! 
An amazing, gigantic palace! 
The rooms were insane~ 
Prepare for the ceilings~ 
Hall of Mirrors!~ 
Walking to the outside~ 
To the amazing gardens~so extensive! So many fountains and sculptures and flowers and miles long lengths of grass 
A mirrow reflecting onto the building~ 
First attempt at using a selfie stick! Hah I now see why people use them, they are very handy~ 
After a long day venturing around the rooms and gardens of Versailles, we made our way back to centre of Paris~ 
The Pantheon~ dedicated to St Genevieve 
The Cript~ housing many many tombs 
Garden Luxenberg~ 
When it begins to get dark, everything transforms and becomes even more beautiful!