Saturday, 5 September 2015

Bath, England #Day5

Today we headed towards Bath de-touring past Stonehenge and Salisbury! 

Stonehenge (from a distance!)~
Salisbury. Salisbury was such a beautiful village. Perfect little houses lined the streets. 
Sailsbury centre~ 
Sailsbury Cathedral~
Groovy Art~

Bath. Home of Jane Austen and the famous Roman Baths! Just like a Roman village. 
Even our hostel looked amazing!~
This afternoon we had just enough time to walk around, checking out some of the small shops and sit in a lovely courtyard listening to live music getting a good feel for the place~ 
Gorgeous shops~
Walking down alley ways~
'The Circus' ~

'The Royal Crescent'~
We finished off the day by sitting on the grass enjoying the sunset~

Best part of the day?
Wondering the streets of Bath 

What I have learned?
I learnt there are only 4 of the original 40 documents of the Magna Carter left in the world, 1 of which is in the Salisbury Cathedral. 

Tomorrow we are off to…
Somewhere near Carmarthen! Making our way towards Fishguard to catch the ferry over to Roselare, Ireland.