Thursday 8 August 2019

Nadi #Day16

After breaky we treated ourself to a traditional fijian bobo massage! If was so relaxing a fell asleep 3 times!

We had a lot of time to kill before catching our flight but there really isnt a whole lot to do in Nadi so we just chilled by the pool and got some food at the hotel restaurant.

At 4pm we caught a taxi to the airport. Our flight was at 7:20pm Fiji time and we landed in Melbourne at 11:00pm, a 5 and a half hour flight!

It was 29 degrees in Nadi when we left and it was 4 degrees in Melbourne, ARGHH!

So sad to be leaving but we had the most incredible time and had some incredible experiences that I will never forgot. Im sure I will visit the stunning islands and beautiful people of Fiji again.

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