Thursday 8 August 2019

Barefoot Manta #Day3

We woke up this morning just before 7am to the locals shouting 'Manta, Manta, Manta!' This means there was a Mantaray sighting. We quickly leaped out of bed, put our bikinis on and ran down to the boats. The boats took us out to the channel where the Mantas migrate trough. They were absolutely incredible. We got to get so close where you could really tell just how huge these creatures are. They did backflips through the water again and again. It was the most amazing experience. We came in an hour later in time for breakfast absolutely ecstatic. 
Laura alongside the mantarays, you can see just how big they are!

We grabbed our snorkel gear and headed to the reef right off the beach. I couldn't believe my eyes. The coral was so colourful and there were soooo many beautiful fish. Everywhere I looked I saw a kind of fish I hadn't seen before. Unfortunately sea lice/tiny jellyfish were being pushed in by the current and we got stung so much that we had to come in. We are now covered in lots of little red dots. 

For the rest of the day we swam & sunbaked. We went out to the reef again and were much better off this time and even saw a reef shark! Its apparently quite rare to see them here so lucky us! 

Went on a Sunset Cruze where the little tiny floats slowly around while one of the locals serenaded us with his guitar. 

We had dinner at this beautiful area by the beach with a fire and music playing. We ate an Indian buffet under the fairylights! We sat with our roomies Jackie from Germany and Georgia from England. 

I tried to have a shower but a gecko stared me right and the eyes so I'm going to bed sandy. 

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