Thursday 15 October 2015

Berlin, Germany #Day44

Another freezing cold day here in Berlin! 
I am loving all the art everywhere~
We went to a Jewish Museum 'Judisches Museum Berlin' ~
It was really quite daunting walking over the faces, the iron made a loud clinking noise that ecoded every time you took a step~ 
On a happier note we wrote 'a wish' on an apple shapped piece of paper and attached it to this tree~
Somebody's wish~'I wish that the weather were better today!' 
My thoughts exactly haha 
Then we made our way to 'Check Point Charlie' just a couple of minutes walk down the road~ 
Strolling around~
Later on in the night we meet up with our friend, Mo who we met the night before at the hostel!~
Such a nice friendly person, with an amazing story.
He is actually a refugee from Seria. It was phenomenal to hear his journey to escape, his terrifying boat trip. And so sad to hear how he had to leave his 5 sisters and parents behind. He hasn't seen in 3 years :( it was absolutely heart breaking. 
Makes me realise how lucky I truly am to live such a privallage life.  

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