Wednesday 14 October 2015

Berlin, Germany #Day43

(Sorry about my late post! I have had so much trouble with Internet and post deleting for some reason! argh)

Buuut finally Berlin!~
The neighbourhood we are staying in~
Free biscuits~
Brandenburger Tor/Gate way~ 
They even have their own traffic light man here in Berlin~
And a shop for them!~
Inside a TV channel filming area~ 
A Law University~
Berlin Cathedral and TV Tower to the right~ 
TV Tower~
A World Clock powered by the sun!~
East Side Gallery~
Amazing art~
The world in my hands~ 
Mercedes-Benz Arena across the road~
(Translation~ 'Help me to survive this deadly love')~
Back to the train station~ 

At night we went out to see a light show on The Brandenburger Tor/Gate~
It was so cool!!


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