Sunday 18 November 2018

Flying Home

Sunday the 18th 
Flying home 

We left the hotel at 10am for our 2:30pm flight. Our first flight is a domestic flight to Guangzhou in the South of China. It is a 3 hour and 30 minute journey. We have a 3 hour stop over in Guangzhou. 
Our flight home to Melbourne is 9 hours and 30 minutes. We land at 9:45am on Monday the 19th. 

Across this trip I have learnt that Chinese people are very hard working and highly value education. They also have an awesome sense of humor and are very friendly! 
I have loved this trip, we have had some amazing experience and met some lovely people. The tour is amazing value for money and we got to see so much. The highlight would have to be the Great Wall! I've also gotten really great at using chop sticks woohoo! 

Now to come home to 29 degrees, full of far too many dumplings and noodles!

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