Wednesday 19 July 2017

New York #Day40

After a big night last night we slept maybe a lot today! 
Ellie has also hurt her foot so she couldn't walk far the poor thing. 
We headed Midtown and went a shopping! 


New York is currently going through a heat wave and it was soooo hot on the subway! 

We had dinner with Kyle again for his last night in America before going back to London! We went to our favourite Chinese restaurant, so delicious.

Its so hard to believe tomorrow is our last full day in America! 


  1. See you on Sunday morning Mads. Do we have your flight details somewhere?

    1. Can't wait to see you Dad!
      Yes I sent Mum photos before we left but I'll send them to you again

    2. Nearly midnight Thursday there I guess you will start heading back across the USA tomorrow (Friday)? Tom texted Mum to ask if we wanted him to bring you home. Noooooo we are getting our Mads. Yes from memory Mum has the photos so don't worry.
