Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Memphis #Day19

Driving Fortworth to Memphis. 

So I said on an early day that it was our longest driving day but today was our longest driving day of the trip by far! 
We got on the coach at 7:45am and didn't arrive in Memphis until 7:15pm. Still sick,  it made for an even longer bus ride. 

We had only a couple of quick stops along the way including seeing, the boarder between Arkansas and Texas so we were in 2 states at once!  
We also saw Little Rock High School. The first school to leave behind half a century of segregated education. 
Memphis pyramid as Memphis is named after Memphis, Egypt. Driving over the Mississippi River.  
Once we finally made it to Memphis we had 5 minutes to throw our bags in our room and power walk 15 minutes down the road to go to an all American Baseball game. 
We had tickets for the VIP area equipped with a buffet! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Only just!! Feeling a lot better though :)
