Wednesday 25 November 2015

London, England #Day86

We started yesterday morning by walking down Oxford street~ :) 
We went to Liberty which has to be the most amazing store either one of us have ever been too! Absolutely loved it!~ 
The Christmas decorations everywhere were amazing~ 
The sun even came out for us! 
Saint James Park~
I'm looking at people with frowns on their faces thinking, how could you possibly be unhappy in such a beautiful place! It's fully hit me now that we are flying home so soon and I'm so sad for our adventure to end. 
Hyde Park~
All rugged up for the cold!
The squirrels are so cute!!!

Then at night we met up for dinner with one of my best friends from home! She flew in the other day so I just caught her! Was amazing to be in London together and to end our last night~ 

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