Thursday 12 November 2015

Florence, Italy #Day73

2nd day in Florence~
This morning we went on a free walking tour of the medieval part of the city~
An artist created a series of funny road signs~
Down this street is where the author of Pinocchio~Carlo Collodi lived~
And this house is where Michelangelo grew up!~
After the tour we went to San Lorenzo Market where the locals say are the best food and bag stalls~ 
I bought my self a leather bag!
Then we walked over to the other side of the river to see the View from Piazzale Michelangelo~
We then went to The Leather School of Foorence~
This school was started after the War to help orphans aquire a trade~
Inside you can watch bags being made which was really fascinating~

Tomorrow we are off on a day trip to Assisi!

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