Saturday 31 October 2015

Hallstatt, Austria #Day61

Happy Halloweeeen!
Breakfast with a view~
This morning we drove about half way up a mountain to a place called 'Eagles nest', to check out the view~
Then we drove to Austria's best kept secret~ Hallstatt.
Named the most beautiful lake side town in the world~
I 100% agree!
Perfect weather~
It was so sunny it was hard to capture just how incredible this place is!~ 

Then we set off on our next mission which was to find the medow where Julie Andrews sang 'The Hills are Alive' in 'The Sound of Music'! 
Unfortunatley we failed with two locations, getting close with the second even crossing the boarder back over to Germany! But we had to head back as it was getting late :/

We did see 'Palace Leopold' where the boat scene was filmed!~

Now we are in Salzburg tonight so we can explore the city again tomorrow :)  

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