Wednesday 28 October 2015

Fussen, Germany #Day58

The scenery here is just insane.
We arrived in Fussen, to see the ever so famous..
Neushwanstein Castle!!!~
Built in the 19th century home to King Ludwig II~
It was the inspiration for the Disney Castle~
I thought it was busy but it was a quite day as in peak season the castle can get.....wait for it...90 thousand visitors in 1 day. Crazy!! ~
Unfortunately we couldn't go to the bridge where you get this best view of the castle as it was under construction :'( 
We waited 2 hours for our tour which only lasted just 20 minutes! Although awesome inside there wasn't that many rooms to see as a lot of the rooms weren't finished~ Ludwig himself only lived in the castle for less then half a year! 
The view at the end was the best~ 
Back to the view point at the start, no one around!~ whoo! 

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