Thursday 24 September 2015

Paris, France #Day24

With our Musuem Pass in hand we set off for a massive day of well museums! 
Coming out from the underground to this~
Notre Dame!~ (front) 
Conciergerie~ palace turned prison 
Lock bridge~
Mums fantastic photography skills~ -__-
The Lourve!~ 
So much to see! Could probably spend a few days in here and still not see everything! Here are a few highlights~ 
Museum D'Orsay~
The original/first Statue of Liberty~ 
Van Gough~
Musuem Rodin~
Then we came back to Notre Dame to go up the bell tours~we were so lucky we just made the last tour! 
Climbed a never ending spiral stair case to the most amazing view~
Eiffle tower in the background~ 
Bell tower~this particular bell dates back to 1620. It was built in front of the king~
Then we grabbed a crepe on the way home from the friendliest guy! Best way to end the day 
Even drew a little heart for us~ 
Now to curl up in bed and watch the Disney movie 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' :')

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