Sunday 13 September 2015

County Clare, Ireland #Day13

We had a pretty relaxed day today! 
We met up with some distant cousins, Liam and Bridget who live near Ennis.
They were so kind, friendly and welcoming, it was so lovely to meet them! We went to their farm house and met their two daughters and younger son who were equally as kind! 
We spent most of the day with them chatting away and went to a really nice restaurant for a late lunch, 3 course meal! 
It was great to talk to them and find out about a daily Irish lifestyle
We left at 5:30 and headed towards Dublin~speeding along ;) speed limit was 120! 
Our hotel for the night~ 

Best part of the day?
Meeting our Irish realitives 

What I have learned?
That 15 degrees is a warm day for them!!!!!

Tomorrow we are off to…
Dublin! Yay! 

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