Sunday 2 August 2015

4 weeks until lift off

With just 4 weeks until we leave I couldn’t be more excited! Everything is slowly coming together. We are slowly booking more things day in and day out.
The hardest part is, there are so many things to plan in advance so where do you draw the line on when to stop booking accommodation? Or highering a car? Or buying a train ticket? We are inevitably becoming restricted to being rushed to being at a certain location at a certain time.
Who knew it would be so tricky!?
Trying to find the right balance between having things planned so we aren’t screwed with no where to sleep at night and getting the best prices by booking in having the freedom of moving onto the next place because we don't particularly like where we are or the complete opposite being we love the place we are in and wish we could stay longer!

We are making it up as we go, we might fall on our faces but thats all apart of travelling! ☺️

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